Sunday 5 May 2019


Is happiness a hidden concept…
Can it be sought?
Is happiness too expensive…
Can it be bought?

Is happiness lost somewhere…
Can it be found?
Is happiness too far-fetched…
Can it forever be around?

The more you run behind it…
The more happiness moves away.
The more you want it…
The more ‘wanting-happiness’ makes you pay.

Happiness is a state-of-being…
Feel it, believe it…do not seek.
Happiness resides in your mind,
Try it…give your mindset a tweak.

Happiness is always inside of you…
Constantly with you, not a lucky-streak.
Happiness means different to me, as it does for you…
Define your own version that is unique.

Happiness is not this life’s goal…
It is a tool, learn to use it instead.
You can be happy, now & forever...
Put the question of happiness to bed.

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