Sunday 20 April 2014

Why can't we be ourselves?

Why is it difficult to accept what is different...
Is something wrong with 'different' or actually with us?

Why is it important to follow the norms...
Is making our own path really that big a task?

Why being part of a group gives a feeling of security...
Is walking alone, on my own, really scary & rough?

Why do we find comfort in the known...
Is comfort that we are seeking, or simply acceptance from others?

Why do we make associations based on faked-similarities...
Is it that we are not comfortable in our own skin?

Why is it easier to ostracize than to embrace...
Is it human nature or some archaic societal practice?

Why is it a tussle between me and 'them'...
Is 'their' way the only path to walk?

Why coexistance is such a challenge...
Is it that, deep-down, we all want to divide & rule?

Why does the fear of killing one another not set in...
Is this not over-confidence, which will bring us down?

Why can we not live happily ever after...
Is it time we accepted man is man's worst enemy?

Why can we not just snap out of hypnotic control on our mind...
Is it because we are more afraid of reality than the make-believe?


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