Tuesday 7 January 2014

New Year - Ray of Hope

A toast to...new beginnings...new possibilities...new dreams...new challenges...to the New Year!

2013 has been a bit more interesting for me than previous few years. There have been events, there have been emotional challenges, there have been spiritual experiences, there has been excitement and adventure, there has been heart-burn too, there have been challenges and achievements...wow! When I look back at 2013, I can't think of a year that was packed with as many variations, in a long time.

This was also a year for quite a few first time activities, in life or in many many years. My first hospital stay, my first view of sunrise in a decade (saw the sun rise for 6 consecutive days from my hospital room - a first again), my first call to someone in many years, revival of my interest in purchasing music, of-course my first set of Bose headphones, a resolution maintained (almost) - that's definitely a first, losing friendship of someone once again (for reasons unknown), revival of my blog, my first poem shared with anyone other than my wife (a few written and shared since), my first touch phone (I finally ended my relationship with BlackBerry and QWERTY)...and the BIG ONE: my first skyjump (from 13000ft.).

There is so much more to the new year than just changing the calendars. We are conditioned to look at the new year with hope, with positive outlook and renewed belief in things to become better, even if past year wasn't bad - we want the new year to be better than past still. For many - start of new year is considered as start of a new 'me' - a better 'me', an improved 'me'.

With that hope, I bid adieu to 2013 and eagerly look forward to what this year has in store for me. Wishing everyone the best for a brand new phase...2014!

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